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The Board of Education has adopted the following set of statements as its philosophy for
providing and maintaining an educational program for the children and youth of the
Public education is an institution established by the people to perpetuate and improve
the American way of life.
It shall be the educational purpose of this community to constantly improve the
training of all boys and girls in mind and in character, so each may develop his or her own
unique talents, attitudes, and skills toward making satisfactory contributions to the
welfare of both self and society.
Each student shall be prepared scholastically to the best of their ability to meet the
requirements of society today and in the future.
Each student shall have the opportunity to develop and appreciation for literature,
art, music, and nature through curricular offerings of this school.
It shall be the intention of this school to promote healthy relations between members
of the student body, between students and faculty, and between the school and
community at all times.
Every effort will be made to cause each student to develop a sense of responsibility
and opportunity as a citizen of this community, state and nation.