ISyTE Computer Camp at OSU on June 2 - 7, 2019 for students who will be in grades 9-12 next year, are interested in computer systems and want a real-life college experience.
While at ISyTE, you will stay on the campus of Oklahoma State University in Stillwater with current OSU MIS graduate students, who will oversee the educational, cultural and recreational activities at ISyTE.
A scholarship opportunity. All 25 students chosen will receive a scholarship that covers 100 percent of the fees associated with the OSU ISyTE Academy, including all meals and lodging.
To qualify for this scholarship, you must:
demonstrate interest in computer-related technology
be a high school student entering grades 9-11 and be enrolled full-time at a high school in Oklahoma.
To apply, submit the scholarship application form and all accompanying documents to the OSU Center for Executive and Professional Development by 5 p.m. on April 16, 2019.
For more information, call 405-744-5208 or visit the OSU ISyTE Academy Web site at cepd.okstate.edu/isyte

I know this is short notice, but I just received this today. Great opportunity!
Girls (grades 10-11 next year) apply here by January 30: http://business.uco.edu/computer-forensics-summer-academy/apply.html
Teachers apply here by January 30: http://business.uco.edu/computer-forensics-summer-academy/teachers.html
Want to solve crimes using forensic science? This is the experience for you! All expenses are paid and you can earn a little money, too. Each student participant will be paid. Funded by the National Science Foundation. Camp is held at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond. Apply NOW!
Teachers – we need high school science teachers to facilitate with the students. Each teacher will have all expenses paid and earn $1500. We want YOU!

HS BB Tuesday, January 29th at Arkoma: BOYS WILL PLAY 1ST, then girls (Arkoma's Homecoming)

2019 Webbers Falls FFA & 4-H Livestock Show Team

63rd Annual Webbers Falls Local Livestock Show

SENIORS: Delphia Warren Leadership Scholarship will pay recipients $500 per semester for 8 semesters. Instructions for applying and a copy of the application is in the counselor's office. Deadline is March 10.

SENIORS: Carr & Carr are awarding three $1,000 scholarships. Students must qualify for free or reduced lunches, have good character and potential leadership qualities and a minimum GPA of 2.5. See Counselor for application. Deadline June 1, 2019

Webbers Falls Schools will not be in session Thursday, February 14, 2019. We are hosting the first round of the regional basketball tournament. There will be a high volume of outside traffic and we are concerned about our students' safety. PK-4 will have their Valentine exchange at the end of the day on February 13th. Classes will resume Friday, February 15th.

Webbers Falls Schools will not be in session Thursday, February 14, 2019, due to a high volume of outside traffic and the concern for student safety. PK-4 will have their Valentine exchange at the end of the day on February 13th. Classes will resume Friday, February 15th.

Correction: Tonight's JH Basketball games vs Arkoma at home have been cancelled. Thursday, January 24th.

The local spelling bee for students in grades 1-8 will be held on Wednesday, February 20th, at 12:30 p.m. Prior to the spelling bee, students will compete by grade level for the opportunity to qualify for this event. The top three spellers in each grade will compete against each other at our local contest on February 20th. The top two overall finishers from the local contest will move on to the Eastern Oklahoma State Spelling Bee in Muskogee in March.
Contact Mrs. Olson for more information or to register your child.
(918) 464-2383, Between 1:45 and 2:35 p.m.

Congratulations to Haley Cato for scoring 42 points in the Lady Warriors’ win over Oaks on January 21st. Haley hit ten three-pointers and was 100% from the free throw line. Way to go, Haley!

JUNIORS & SENIORS: Connors is having a Senior Day (jJuniors welcome) February 19 @ 9am - 12Noon in the Fine Arts Building on the Warner Campus. Tour Campus, free T-shirt and lunch. Visit with coaches and campus organizations. For more information, contact recruitment at 918.463.6270 or CSCRECRUIT@CONNORSSTATE.EDU

2019 Arkansas River Shootout Runner Up

SENIORS: East Central Electric Cooperative is awarding one $1,000 scholarship to each school whose parents/guardians are members of their Cooperative. Students must possess honor, integrity thrift and good moral character. Applications in counselor's office. Deadline: March 1.

Tonight, Thursday, January 10, 2019 the Arkansas River Shootout basketball tournament at Webbers Falls begins. There are eight games beginning at 4 pm. See previous posts of the brackets. Webbers Falls Girls play at 7 pm in the new gym. The boys will play right after the girls.

Events for the week of January 14, 2019:
14-Mon Rise and Shine. Ms. James’ 3rd Grade Class, 8:45 am
JH Basketball Okay @ WF, 5:30 pm, 2 games
Board Meeting, 7 pm
15-Tue Basketball Pictures, 9 am
HS Basketball @ Okay, 6:30 pm, 2 games
17-Thu JH Basketball @ Gore, 5:30 pm, 2 games
18-Fri Homecoming: Pictures, 5:15 pm, Coronation, 5:45 pm
HS Basketball Gore @ WF, 6:30 pm, 2 games, Boys play 1st game

Honor Rolls

Sweet. End of 1st quarter. WARRIOR PRIDE!!!

Parents & Guardians of Webbers Falls Students:
This call is to notify you that your child will receive his or her first semester report card on Tuesday, January 8th at the end of the school day. Teachers in grades K-2nd usually put the report card in the students’ folders that go home daily. Students in grades 3 through 12 are handed the report card and are responsible for bringing it home to their parents. We wanted to notify you in advance so you would know to check your child’s folder or ask your child for their report card when they get home.
Thank you.