Just a reminder that our 4-H and FFA groups are holding a food drive for non-perishable food items. This food will be distributed to local families in need. The food drive will end December 14, 2023 at 10:00 AM. At that time we will weigh the food. The class that brings the most pounds of food will be awarded a pizza party!
Oklahoma City Community Foundation Scholarship
The Oklahoma City Community Foundation offers over 200 scholarship opportunities totally approximately $3.9 million to nearly 1,000 scholarship recipients each year. Graduating high school seniors from all 77 Oklahoma counties, college students, career and technical students, as well as non-traditional students and adult learners are eligible to apply. The link to apply is occf.org/scholarships.
The Elementary Christmas Program will be on Friday, December 15th at 9:00 a.m. in the event center. Grades PreK-6th will be performing.
Come support both teams tonight at Wilson.
Horatio Alger Association of Distiniguished Americans, Inc. Scholarship for JUNIORS
The Horatio Alger Association seeks to assist students who have demonstrated integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education, and a desire to contribute to society.
The Horatio Alger Association believes that early identification and support is key to helping promising young people who have faced adversity achieve their dream of a college/university education. That is why this scholarship is offered to 2023-2024 JUNIORS. Students may apply online December 1-March 15 at horatioalger.org/scholarships. For more information please see Mrs. Mills in the counselor's office.
I was out on Friday and forgot to schedule the news to post. So, a couple days late, but here is the link to last week's broadcast.
Each year the Cookson Hills Electric employees and Board of Trustees offer four $500 scholarships to high school students eligible for graduation and whose parents or guardians are members of Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative, Inc. Applications are available in the counselor's office and are due by March 1, 2024.
We're celebrating the last 12 days before Christmas break in style! The 12 days of dress up fun begin on Monday, with "Run Run Rudolph," so wear your red!
The OSSAA has enacted a new rule (Suspension from Athletic Activities for Unsporting Behavior Rule) in efforts to improve sportsmanship at HS & MS athletic events.
Any “egregious” unsportsmanlike behavior by Coaches, Players, or Fans two or more times in the same season / same sport will cause the SUSPENSION of the Team and/or Individual from the rest of the season.
The OSSAA cited some the following examples of “egregious” unsportsmanlike behavior:
- Fans constantly verbally attacking officials.
- Fans physically attacking officials.
- Fans attacking other fans at athletic events.
- Coaches physically attacking or verbally berating officials.
- Players getting into fights with other players while shaking hands at the end of contests.
- Student sections verbally chanting inappropriate or demeaning chants at individuals, teams, or officials.
Taking closed bids on the following items. Bids can be dropped off at the Superintendent office. Bids will be opened at Noon on January 8, 2024. High bid will be called. Please include your name, phone number and bid.
Miller 212 Mig Welder needed a computer board.
CNC table with plasma cam and computer.
Hypertherm 45 plasma cutter
The Yearbook Staff is selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts to raise funds for equipment. There are lots of yummy items to choose from! Orders and money are due 12/10 and the tentative delivery date will be 12/14. Please get with a yearbook staff member to order, or email Mrs. Holt at lholt@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us
There will be no JH girls game tomorrow (12/1 ) at Braggs. JH boys will start at 5:00 and HS girls and HS boys will follow.
Webbers Falls FCCLA wants to thank Tia Shelby and Tony Ruckman for volunteering to judge STAR events today. We appreciate you giving up your day to judge our districts competitions.
We had two students compete in FCCLA STAR Events today. Hunter Carey earned a first place in Professional Presentation and Taytam Doyle earned second place in Job Interview. Both students will advance to regionals on January 30th.
58 students in 7th-12th grade learned a lot about homelessness and serving today in a presentation by Rich, director of Muskogee Gospel Rescue Mission. Thank you to all who helped pull this off!
Congratulations to the Webbers Falls Elementary and High School Students of the Month for October!
PreK- Brynn Johnson, Kindergarten- Kyla Black, 1st Grade- Zaelynn Wood, 2nd Grade- Addisyn McReynolds, 3rd Grade- Eli Moore, 4th Grade- Christian Chapman, 5th Grade- Hudson Shelby, 6th Grade- Ian Vang, 7th Grade- Gracie Hull, 8th Grade- Peyton Shanks, 9th Grade- Kendra Kimble, 10th Grade- Chloe Gage, 11th Grade- Makayla Milligan, 12th Grade- Sophie Hodges
These outstanding students will have lunch with Mrs. Sanders and Mr. Mills at Burger Barn! Way to go Warriors!
Starting on November 30, 2023 our 4-H and FFA groups will be holding a food drive for non-perishable food items. This food will be distributed to local families in need. The food drive will end December 14, 2023 at 10:00 AM. At that time we will weigh the food. The class that brings the most pounds of food will be awarded a pizza party!
Thank you,
Judy Treadwell
Brad Carey
Just a reminder that all Letter jacket money needs to be turned in to Mr. Mills no later than this Friday, December 1st. Any jacket not paid for by this time will NOT be ordered.
Wilson Tiger Classic Bracket, December 4th-9th.
7 after school students traveled to Sallisaw Library today to participate in an 'egg drop.' We all had a great time and would like to especially thank Ricki Frazier for helping out at the last minute.