Today is the blood drive! We are accepting walk-ins all day, so please stop by the gym if you're able to give!
almost 2 years ago, Laurel Holt
blood drive
2023-2024 Webbers Falls Pre-K Pre-Enrollment will be tomorrow, Tuesday April 4th, in the GYM LOBBY from 11am-7pm.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
APRIL Breakfast and Lunch Menus
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Apr Breakfast
April Lunch
REMINDER How to check your child/childrens grades online: If you have not already done so, you will need to request a Wengage account. To do this, you first go to our gradebook website You will then choose Request An Account. After filling out the information, an account request will be sent to the school notifying us you wish to access your students grades. After we have verified that you are the parent/guardian, we will send you an email with a link and activation code to set up the account. The instructions will be included in the email. If you have any questions please contact the school.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
2023 Softball Conference Tournament brackets for Junior High and High School.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Davis
REMINDER: Next Monday, April 3rd, there is NO SCHOOL. It is a Professional Development Day.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
The book fair is here this week! 4 more days left to shop. You can always shop the online fair as well. Parents, don't forget to setup an ewallet for your child if sending cash doesn't work for you! It's super easy to setup, and no money is lost!
almost 2 years ago, Laurel Holt
The Cherokee Nation will be offering free food this summer for students enrolled in school districts receiving free or reduced school meals. A print version of the flyer will be sent home with elementary students today.
almost 2 years ago, Lisa Ward
free food
REMINDER: Tomorrow, March 24th, is a Virtual Day
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
A reminder that tomorrow March 24 is a scheduled virtual day. Students can access their work through Google Classroom, or packets sent home by your child's teacher.
almost 2 years ago, Chris Whelan
Parents, The Parent P-EBT Review Form is available March 13 – April 15, 2023, if you need assistance with P-EBT for the school year 2021-2022. For the 2021-2022 school year, schoolchildren must meet three important eligibility requirements: Children must have been enrolled in a school district that participates in a federal meal program where meals are served at a school, known as the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The student’s school is closed or operating at reduced hours or reduced attendance due to COVID for at least five consecutive days in the 2021-2022 school year. Children must qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on income and have turned in the free or reduced-priced meals application to your children’s school for 2021-2022, OR be enrolled in a school that participated in the Community Eligible Provision, Provision 2 or Provision 3 federal program in 2021-2022. If you believe your child meets the above eligibility criteria and you did not receive your 2021-2022 school year card by March 8, 2023, or your 2022 Summer P-EBT benefits by March 8, 2023, please fill out the review form on the OSDE website by April 15, 2023. Please submit a separate form for each student. Your school will have an opportunity to review your information. Only your child’s school can verify eligibility for P-EBT benefits. Any new benefits for the 2021-2022 school year or Summer 2022 stemming from corrections will be disbursed by DHS in Summer 2023. If you have lost your child's P-EBT card, you may request a new card at (888) 328-6551 or All of Webbers Falls School students QUALIFY because we are a CEP school, meaning ALL of our students eat FREE school meals. REMINDER: This is for SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022 ONLY and if you DID NOT receive your students card or benefits.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Tonight at 6 PM John Wood and his RAPTORS will be in our gymnasium to present his RAPTOR show. The student body recieved a preview today and Loved It! Show is free to the public.
almost 2 years ago, Chris Whelan
The spring book fair will be back next Monday, the 27th, through Friday, the 31st! You can go ahead and set up your child's EWallet now by clicking on the link below! It makes shopping super easy for the kids. We also will accept cash, cards, and checks. Flyers will be sent out soon, and online shopping will open up this Friday!
almost 2 years ago, Laurel Holt
save the date
John Woods and his Birds of Prey (RAPTOR PROJECT) will be here in Webbers Falls TOMORROW Tuesday March 21st for two shows. The first show is students only at 1:00 PM and the second show is open to the public at 6:00 PM both in the Gymnasium. Tell your family and friends! We hope to see you there! This is a free event to the public.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
REMINDER: Friday March 24th is a VIRTUAL DAY
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
This Wednesday, the 22nd, Tiffiney will be here to take spring pictures and sports group pictures. She plans on offering a choice of background, so please avoid dressing your child in green! Also, if your child is in any of the following sports, please make sure they have their sports jersey/top with them on Wednesday. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Laurel Holt
Revised Lunch for 3/8 Breaded Chicken Patty Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Broccoli and Cheese Dinner Roll Milk
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Cherokee SEBTC Flyer
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Reminder: Parent Teacher Conferences are this Thursday 3/9/23 3:30pm-9:00pm. NO SCHOOL Friday 3/10/2023
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Congratulations to our schoolwide spelling bee winners: 1st Place, Jemma Peevy; Runner-Up, Bryson Franco; Alternate, Kabella James. The top two will advance to the 13th Annual Eastern Oklahoma State Spelling Bee on Friday, April 21st, at the Muskogee Civic Center. (Registration starts at 4:30 P.M. with the competition beginning at 6:30 P.M.) We are proud of all of our local spelling bee contestants for giving it their best. We also want to send out a thank you to Mrs. Dandridge and Mrs. Olson for coordinating and holding our classroom and schoolwide spelling bees.
almost 2 years ago, Lisa Ward