Webbers Falls Schools is now accepting applications for a paraprofessional position for 2022-2023 school year. Please complete and submit the non-certified employment application found at https://www.webbersfalls.k12.ok.us/page/careers to Lisa Ward at lward@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us. Webber Falls Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
PK enrollment will be March 31, 2022 in the PK building
This is a reminder that we will be IN school this Friday, April 1st. There is still NO SCHOOL for Monday April 4th.
Today is the last day of the Scholastic book fair! Make sure you make your final selections from the in person fair today. Online ordering will be available until April 3. Thank you all for your support thus far!
Coach Holt, his assistant coaches, and his baseball players would like to send a special thank you out to the anonomymous donor of some lights for the baseball field and also a thanks to David Jarrard for installing them.
Lunch for Friday 3/25/2022 will be:
Pizza Bar
Italian Salad
Mandarin Oranges
Sheet Cake
Our latest news broadcast is live. Check it out.
The baseball games that were scheduled for Tues. March 29th at Canadian have been changed to Wilburton at 3:00 pm instead. There will be no Junior High game that day.
The baseball games that were scheduled for today have been canceled.
Webbers Falls HS has announced the Salutatorians for the Class of 2022. They are Alexis Raskey and Kimber Hall. Feature articles will be posted at a later date.
Webbers Falls HS has announced the Valedictorians for the Class of 2022. They are Morgan Carter and Cessna Kimberlin. Feature articles will be posted at a later date.
Due to the weather forecast of heavy rain around 3pm today, please pull up to the awning if you do parent pick up so we may send your child out to your car after school lets out.
Book Fair opened today for students! It will run the 21st-25th. Online shopping is now open!
Online shopping is open now: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/webbersfalls
Congratulations to Maddux Shelby with his 24th Overall Commercial Gilt at OYE. His gilt will sell Wednesday night at the Night of 100 Stars Gilt Sale. Way to go!!
Webbers Falls students attended Connors State College STEM workshop today.
Just a reminder that we have parent/teacher conferences tonight until 9:30. Come by and see your student's teachers! Also, this is a reminder that we have NO school on Friday, March 11th and Spring Break is the week of March 14-18th. Book Fair will be open tonight for parents to preview and shop before it opens up for the kids on March 21st!
Here is our news broadcast for this week. With Spring Break, our next broadcast should be March 24th.
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month!! (Not pictured Marcianna Perez 4th and Gunner Shelby 7th)
Surprise! Thanks to the outstanding support of our Scholastic Book Fair in the fall, we will be having a SPRING book fair from March 21- March 25 with a parent preview night on Thursday, March 10 during parent/teacher conferences (you can make purchases during this time as well). Parent letters went home today with all the information on our fair dates, online shopping, and eWallets. To set up an eWallet for your child visit: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/webbersfalls.
If you have any questions please email Gabbi Peebles gpeebles@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us
The high school baseball game that was scheduled for today against Gore has been cancelled.