Little League Baseball sign-ups
almost 3 years ago, Judy Treadwell
little league
This is a reminder that School Day and Senior Panel retake pictures are tomorrow, Thursday, January 27, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Lori Menie
Basketball Senior Night will be February 4, 2022 at 6:00PM followed by basketball games between the Webbers Falls Warriors and the Gore Pirates. Come support our seniors!
almost 3 years ago, Misty Ruckman
Basketball Senior Night
Congrats to our December Students of the Month!!
almost 3 years ago, Emily Ogg
Tonight’s game with Porum has been canceled due to a shortage of Officials caused by COVID. Hopefully we will be able to reschedule this game for next week. We will keep you informed.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
FREE Garden Mulch and Compost! We have large quantity of wood shavings that we have taken out of our show barn that will be hauled off tomorrow January 25th. If you would like a trailer or truck bed load we will have a backhoe at the Bill Stricklin Livestock Facility at 8:00 am to load them until they are gone. These are free so please take advantage of getting these to add to your garden. For more information you can call the school at 918-464-2580.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
With us being virtual this week, we weren't able to do our normal news broadcast. However, some of the broadcast students submitted videos of things they have been doing to keep themselves busy this week (besides school work)! These were all recorded in different locations on different devices, so the sound gets a little low and a little high in some places. I tried to level it out the best I could, but it is still a little rough. Looking forward to a regular news broadcast next week. Thanks.
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Cramer
Superintendents Message January 21, 2022
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
No new COVID cases today. Hot beef stew and cornbread being served in the cafeteria if you want to bring your child in.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
Wednesday January 19, 2022 COVID Report Good Morning Everyone, we are still experiencing COVVID Positive cases throughout the district, not as many as we did at the end of last week. Parents please continue to let us know at the school if your child tests positive or if they are placed in quarantine. We are responsible for updating our COVID numbers to the State Department of Ed daily. You can do this by either emailing our school Nurse Mrs. Treadwell at or calling the office and letting them know. (918-464-2580). Attendance is being taken by each teacher and if your child is not checking into the Google Classroom (5th - 12th) or Class DOJO (PK-4th) then your child is being counted absent. These unexcused absences will go toward their overall semester absence which could affect their semester grade. Yesterday our attendance was overall good except for many of the High School students did not check in. HS Basketball will be played tomorrow night here at 6:00 against Kinta and on Friday night at Dewar. I will continue to keep you aware of our COVID issues and anything else that may come along.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
The eSports team received a package this weekend. By registering our teams early for the Spring Semester, we were entered for a chance to win 4 Nintendo Switches, along with four copies of the 3 games that will be played this semester, and a year of Nintendo Online for each Switch!
almost 3 years ago, Tyler Cramer
eSports Switches
We handed out 187 meals today through our bus drops and pick up. We are serving hot meals at the cafeteria from 11 to noon the rest of the week, if you want your child to come by and eat please go to our website and click the order ahead tab then click main entree button. This will give us a number of meals we will need to prepare.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
This is to advise that Ronnie Davis has left to deliver meals to his route. He is in a silver Chevy Silverado pickup. Please be ready to receive your meals.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
This is to advise that Mr. Hicks' and Mr. Wilkett's buses have just left to deliver boxed meals to students on bus routes. If possible, be waiting and ready to receive the meals. If no one is home, the boxes will be left on the porch or by the front door. We will let you know when Ronnie Davis leaves.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
Webbers Falls will be on distance learning starting tomorrow Tuesday through Friday January 21st. Positive COVID cases have continued to increase with two more positive cases in staff members this weekend. We will be delivering meals to all our bus stops starting late morning tomorrow. These meal packets will have 4 days of breakfast and lunch in them. If all possible please have someone meet the bus drivers at you child’s bus stop to get the meals. Non bus riders and students living in the city can pick up meals at the cafeteria after noon tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
Just a reminder that the HS Basketball game scheduled for tonight at Pittsburg has been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
Many thanks to those who came out to the blood drive. We collected 43 units of blood to help Mrs. Olson! This is we almost double our typical blood drives!
almost 3 years ago, Misty Ruckman
We have 9 staff out and 80 students today due to COVID related issues. Our plan is that tomorrow we will take a snow day with no school for teachers, support or students. Admin will be on site to hand out devices if needed to students from 9-12. We are out of school on Monday for the MLK holiday there will be no way for us to get accurate data for what happens over the weekend to make any type of decision about returning Tuesday. So we will pivot into distance learning on Tuesday and stay in DL the remainder of next week. Teachers will be required to be at the school from 8:30 to 1:30 daily to conduct virtual class and or be available for questions from students. We will be sending home meal boxes that will contain 4 days of both breakfast and lunch to every bus rider and to all others can either come up to eat daily at 10-12 or they can be delivered. As far as basketball games next Thursday and Friday we will be in contact with the other schools and leave it up to them whether or not they want to play. We will get the word out on that by Wednesday. This is not what we hoped for but it is what it is. Please call me if you have any other questions.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Important message from Superintendent January 13, 2022. COVID UPDATE:
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
COVID Report January 12, 2022. We continue to see our COVID numbers rise in both our students and staff. At this time we only have a minimal number of staff members testing positive (3) and (6) students. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and make adjustments as need be. As long as we can provide teachers, cafeteria workers and bus drivers we will stay in session. As a parent you can help us by closely monitoring your child for symptoms and if they show any, please keep them at home until they have tested negative or the symptoms are gone for 72 hours. We can provide class work virtually for those case. All Basketball game (HS and MS) for the remainder of this week have been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Chris Whelan