We want to send a shout out to the Webbers Falls High School students who are helping with the community food drive today at the First Baptist Church. Participating are Anistyn Garner, Lindsey Pierce, James Moore, Blaize Herriman, Jake Chambers, Waylon Brasuell, Brooke Wyatt, Caden Dishman, Daylan Jarrard, Lexi Raskey, Maddy Raskey, Hunter Stone, Corbin Long, and Maddux Shelby and Chandler Long, who are not pictured.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
food bank
Webbers Falls Educators Meghan Johnson and Lisa Ward were honored at the Professional Oklahoma Educators Excellence in Education Awards Banquet in Oklahoma City Friday evening. Mrs. Ward was a finalist for the Olan Isbell Merit Award for Administrators. Mrs. Johnson, who was a finalist for the High School Educator Merit Award, was named the overall winner of this category at the end of the evening. Attending the banquet in support of these educators was Superintendent Chris Whelan and teachers Rose Olson and Jerry Ward.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
lisa and meghan
meghan 2
The high school track teams competed in the Regional Track Meet at Okemah today. Anistyn Garner finished 3rd in the long jump. She will jump at the Class A State Track Meet at Cherokee High School on Saturday, May 8 at 9:00am.
over 3 years ago, Jordan Garner
Webbers Falls School will resume as normal tomorrow Friday April 30, 2021. Some of our bus route roads still have water on them but we will make the necessary route adjustments to make sure the buses are safe. Buses will run at normal time but may be delayed a little due to these adjustments.
over 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
Due to flooding concerns tomorrow, April 29th, Webbers Falls students will participate in distance learning. The campus will be closed and students are expected to log into Google Classroom for assignments. We will monitor the flooding situation tomorrow evening and will make a determination about in person learning for Friday.
over 3 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Announcement: All students are back in class at this time. We will let you know if another weather situation warrants a return to the safe room.
over 3 years ago, Staci Peebles
Announcement: All Students are in the safe room at this time. When it is clear and students return to class we will send out another message.
over 3 years ago, Nicole Clairday
Due to weather conditions this morning, our buses were limited in the places they could reach. Students who were affected by this will be allowed a distance learning day today. This afternoon, we expect a delay in the time it takes our buses to reach their destinations so your student may be later today. Please call the front office to advise us if your student was affected this morning.
over 3 years ago, Staci Peebles
We are offering summer school for students enrolled in 1st-4th grade for the 2020-2021 school year. Please click on the link below to complete the registration. Please complete a registration for each child that plans on attending. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ns1uJCD2TP4m7QCJhGrSoFk4_a8R1zbuvh9TVJaQzOg/edit
over 3 years ago, Webbers Falls
The Webbers Falls FCCLA and Child Development class put together 44 Care Bags which will be donated to local Law Enforcement & Fire Departments. These bags can be given to children who have been through any traumatic event. Each bag contains a stuffed teddy bear, play dough, coloring book, and crayons.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
April 23, 2021 Superintendents Message https://youtu.be/Zf3jRKpF4l4
over 3 years ago, Chris Whelan
Congratulations to Talon Weaver, who won both the 200 and 400 meter runs and finished second in the 100 at the Okemah Track Meet today. We are proud of you!
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
We would like to congratulate Kaylee Mullins, Brock Rhoden, and Jaylene Goodman on qualifying to represent Webbers Falls School in the 2021 Eastern Oklahoma State Spelling Bee. It will be held on Friday, April 23, 2021 at 6:30 pm at the Muskogee Civic Center.
over 3 years ago, Staci Peebles
The high school track teams competed at Okemah today. Anistyn Garner finished 3rd in the long jump.
over 3 years ago, Jordan Garner
We are pleased to announce that the following Webbers Falls High School students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society: Kimber Hall in Health Careers and Kayleyona Hernandez in Cosmetology. Kimber and Kayleyona attend the ICTC Campus in Muskogee. Congratulations, ladies! We are super proud of you.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
Blood Drive at Webbers Falls Schools this Thursday.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
Blood Drive
The junior high track teams went to Wagoner today. Talon Weaver was runner-up in the 400 and 4th in the 200.
over 3 years ago, Jordan Garner
Webbers Falls Schools is accepting applications for a Vocational Agriculture Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Applicants should submit a resume and certified application to Principal Lisa Ward at lward@webbersfalls.k12.ok.us. Certified applications can be found at https://www.webbersfalls.k12.ok.us/page/careers. Webbers Falls Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Ward
The Junior High softball tournament for today has been cancelled.
over 3 years ago, Jordan Garner
Yearbooks are on sale now. The price is $35.00 until May 1st. After May 1st they will go up to $45.00. Please make checks payable to Webbers Falls Public School.
almost 4 years ago, Staci Peebles